Open Sesame, Open Sunday for TruBridge Dental

Professional services of practically any kind seem especially hard to find these days. Even in the dental profession, there is a growing demand for hygienists and dental assistants who have become increasingly hard to schedule in the dental…

From Bits to Perfect Bites, Washington State May Become the Next Destination for Dental Tourism

With its proud history of innovation, pioneering spirit, and entrepreneurial culture, Washington state is becoming a veritable mecca for dental care, ranking seventh in the United States for the number of dentists per capita, and first for…

Breaking the “Sound” Barrier

On a blustery, winter day on the Olympic Peninsula, home to Dr. Helena Soomer Lincoln and TruBridge Dental, stalwart runners, joggers, and walkers defy the elements of rain and cold to “break the Sound  barrier” of Puget Sound weather in…